TOP THREE NEW EXTREME SPORTS - Freeline Skates, 2Wheel & Carveboard | PEOPLE ARE AWESOME

2016-06-07 12,287

This week on People are Awesome we’ve got three brand new extreme sports, freeline skates, 2Wheel and Carveboard. Freeline skates are a pair of skates designed to give the feeling of skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, and inline skates all in one. A 2Wheel All Terrain Board has inflatable wheels so it can be ridden on grass, dirt and concrete. This allows the rider to get creative and even transfer onto another type of terrain during a run! The carveboard was designed to emulate the feeling of surfing and snowboarding on concrete.

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Original Videos:
Utah Rejtano - Nothing To Prove ( 2wheel Video Part )
Carveboard - Eric Patat
Downhill n Chill - C'est La Vie - TubeCitySK8